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mitsubishi robot's speed control

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to move Mitsubishi robot. When I control the speed of mitsuhbishi robot, I'm using command 'setSpeed'. It feels like it's just below this.

I can increase the speed to 50 or more with this command, but changing it to a number less than 50 was not slow it down any futher. speed_liner, speed_joints, accel_linear, accel_joints, no matter what number I change, it wasn't slow down.
what should I do?
是你的目标使用后处理器和背包吗e the code starting from the python script you created?

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(11-09-2021, 04:05 PM)Jeremy Wrote:是你的目标使用后处理器和背包吗e the code starting from the python script you created?


Thank you Jeremy.

So far, what I'm trying to do is run a python script created on the RoboDK simulator in sync with an actual robot using the 'Run on Robot' command.

but eventualy I want to be able to generate code and upload it to our robot.

I just reviewed the driver source code and there's indeed an issue regarding joint speed.
The conversion from deg/sec to % goes as follows:
RDK Joint speed * 100 / 5000
We then MIN and MAX between 1 and 100.

Therefore anything below 50 will result in 1%.
We will address this in a future version, but for now you can account for it.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 and by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

(11-12-2021, 06:46 PM)Jeremy Wrote:Hi,

I just reviewed the driver source code and there's indeed an issue regarding joint speed.
The conversion from deg/sec to % goes as follows:
RDK Joint speed * 100 / 5000
We then MIN and MAX between 1 and 100.

Therefore anything below 50 will result in 1%.
We will address this in a future version, but for now you can account for it.



If speed is less than 50, it will be below the MIN value of 1%, so I can't speed down any more.

My question has been resolved! Thank you Jeremy!

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