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Sample Program
Is there on this forum somebody who can provide me with a sample program in RoboDK for machining (milling).
For 1 or more parts mounted on a table. I can do that for one piece. But don’t know how to that for more parts.
Many thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Hi Henk,
You should be able to simply create yourself more than one machining project.
If both projects are different you need to provide those machining project with distinct NC file (Gcode, ATP, etc.).
If they are the same but just at different position, you can copy past the machining project and simply change the reference frame attached to the different project and modify the position of those reference frame to suit your needs.

Have a good day.
Thanks for your reply.
My problem is how to build the tree.
Therefore I need a sample program.
To build a program by trial and error.
Are you using one of our plugins for CAD/CAM software? Or are you using a Gcode generated by a CAM software?

I am a program generated on a milling machine.
The only thing I need is a program for milling 1 to xxx parts mounted o a table.
I can't find such a program to simply change the reference frames.

Hi Henk,

You should split each machining operation as a separate machining program. Then, in the robot machining settings you can select the table (reference frame) you want to use and the tool.

You can group similar machining operations if they correspond to the same reference frame and tool.


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