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RoboDK with Uarm Swift Pro for small scale sample production

I want use a Uarm swift Pro for small scale 3D printed samples in my PhD research using RoboDK. One of your guys sent me a swift pro file that you had already modelled but I need to create a driver and post processor in order to connect and control the arm. Do you already have these or can you supply them to me ? I am a designer not a computer programmer so please excuse my ignorance in this area !

Eventually I want to use a KUKA KR6 for the full size trials when the equipment is all set up and working correctly.

Thanks and I hope that you can help me.

Hi Andy,

我们有uArm robot in our library, however, we don’t have a post processor or a driver for this robot.
To help you get started with the post processors in RoboDK you can look at the following link:

I recommend you to look at existing post processors . RoboDK provides you with more than 50 post processors to choose from. We recommend you to look into Python language to properly customize your post processor. You will need to have the robot manual to generate the post processor.

Once again, we recommend you to look into an existing driver. You can start with the Meca500 from Mecademic, a small sized industrial robot. You will find the driver there: C:\RoboDK\api\Robot\

The good news is that you won’t need to do the job again for KUKA KR6 using a KRC4 controller. RoboDK is already providing the post processor and the driver for that specific controller.

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for your quick reply. I also had a message from Albert saying that RoboDK wanted to increase their support for educational developer Robots such as the UArm Swift Pro.

I will have a look at the links and come back to you.

Is ther any way that I can get some assistance with the post and driver from RoboDK as I am a designer and not a computer programmer which makes things a bit more difficult for me!

Hope you can help as it would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

Hi Andrew,
Looking at the uArm uFactory docs I see that this robot is programmed using Gcode (Starter Guide and Pro Developer guide availablehere). We have different post processors that can generate Gcode.

However, small modifications are required to have an optimal integration. These are some hints:
  • The linear movement should be the G0 command and not G1 (which is used for most machines). I guess that since it is a 4 axis robot it won't make a difference as there are no singularities. I attached a screenshot of the accepted G-code commands.
  • You can use G2202 to specify a joint movement (provided joint axes)
  • 显然,G1是打开激光当哟u have it active.
  • I see that the program needs to be sent through a serial connection. This needs to be implemented in the post processor (unless you can load a Gcode program directly on the robot on through some interface).
Hi Albert,

Which G-Code post would you recommend that is closest to my requirements for modification ?

Would one of your guys be able to modify it for me so it is in the right ball I said I am only a lowly designer !

Look forward to hearing from you.

Many Thanks

Hi Albert,

Hope that you received my last post. Looking forward to your reply.

Many Thanks

Hi Albert,

This thread seems to have generated quite a lot of interest and views. Just wondered if your tech guys will be able to supply me with a Post Processor and Driver for the Uarm Swift Pro. This would be so-ooooo helpful and allow me to progress quickly with my area of Design Research.

I look forward to your reply by return.

Many Thanks

Still no joy in getting this robot to work with a generic G-Code post processor. Very Disappointing.
Hi Andy,

I'm sorry to hear that you still have problems with your Uarm.

But you need to understand something.
We are providing you with one of the cheapest offline programming tools on the market (especially with a student license like yours).
We were happy to assist you with your project, Albert pointed you to some documentation that would help you develop your own post processor for your robot. We can give you the tools and point you in the right direction, but we can'tdo the job for you.

Being a robot programmer is a job in itself. A robot is a tool and you need to understand/master your tool to be able to craft great things with it. In that case, learning your tool means learning to code.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be insulting or anything, this is just the simple truth. People work hard to make those things do exactly what they want.


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