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RoboDK crashes when updating a mechanism while measuring tool active

While creating a gripper mechanism I used the measure tool to measure the TCP on the newly created mechanism. While the measurement was still active I updated the mechanism which crashed RoboDK.

- Modify robot on the attached station which simply consists of a Schunk gripper
- Tools -> Measure
- measure any point on the newly created mechanism, not the original model
- do not close the measure window and do not clear the selection
- update mechanism

Attached Files
.rdk crash.rdk(Size: 108.43 KB / Downloads: 85)
Thank you for reporting this bug. We'll fix it with a new update next week.
We just fixed this measurement bug for Windows versions of RoboDK.
(03-15-2023, 01:58 PM)Albert Wrote:We just fixed this measurement bug for Windows versions of RoboDK.

Awesome! That was fast. Thanks!

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