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RoboDK Filezilla - Critical error Could not connect to server
Hello everyone!

I ran into an issue with connecting to the file system using Filezilla Client. I've followed the tutorial in the official RDK docs. I've installed Filezilla Client in the RoboDK directory C:\RoboDK\Filezilla FTP Client\.

I'm able to connect to robot just fine using the IP and 30000 port (i get the green "Ready"). However, when I press the button "Explore"next to Robot port window to launch filezilla I get this message:

Error: Authentication failed.

Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

I've already tried different ports, changing the user name and password but it didn't help. Also, I can't find any Predefined Sites in the Site manager inside Filezilla so I've tried reinstalling it making sure it's in the right directory. Also, I've added a firewall exception for filezilla.exe, and still no use.

Hope somebody can clear this up for me. Appreciate it!
I think we are missing one important information.
What robot controller are you using?

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 and by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for getting back at me. I'm not using the default controller, I've transfered real robot parameters (kinematics) from the robot to the RoboDK as per documentation.

The robot is UR10e.

Kind regards
It does not matter that you imported the kinematic, it's not related to FTP transfer.
Some think might be blocking you on the controller side.
You should be able to use Fillezilla directly (outside of RDK) to reach the memory of your controller. Can you do that.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 and by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

I've tried that already.

Bypassing RDK and going straight to Filezilla using the robot IP, root and easybot password with port 21 port I get the following error:

Status: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
Error: Could not connect to server

When using port 22 I get this error:

Status: Connecting to
Status: Using username "root".
Status: Access denied
Error: Authentication failed.
Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

The firewall is turned off and all other ethernet or wifi adapters on my laptop. The same connection works well when using "Connect to Robot" inside RDK. Also, I'm using SFTP.


我已经修正这个问题。在conclusion, when setting up the robot months ago, we've replaced the default password from easybot to something else, so I've been inputing wrong credentials the whole time.

To sum up: robot IP, root and easybot at port 22 should work just fine for everybody else!

Thank you Jeremy for your help. All the best!

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