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Raspberry pi and robodk

Hello, I am trying to install robodk on raspberry pi. I have followed the instructions in the blog and also I have followed the instructions that come with the installation files (both are different) I have used raspberry pi official os and ubuntu mate and for the life of me, this program does not want to work. The dependancies had commands that had to be converted with dos2unix to get most of them to work.
Now I have the mail cap error.

When I try to execute files in the terminator I keep getting file or director does not exist when it clearly does.

I am able to install other programs without any problems.

I get an robodk icon on the desktop that does nothing

I am running into the same sort of problems that have been posted on here previously but there does not seem to be anyone who knows how to install robodk on a fresh raspberry pi os?

I think there needs to be an indepth tutorial with a specific os and dependencies, as from what I have read qt 4 is obsolete?
Hi James,
Can you try to run RoboDK from a terminal?
You can use a command like that:
~/RoboDK/bin/RoboDK -NOUI -platform offscreen
It should start without any GUI.

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