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Program python-conveyor

hello, my objective in the python code was to stop the conveyor when the piece reaches a targent, but I don't see what can be wrong with my code.

# Type help("robolink") or help("robodk") for more information
# Press F5 to run the script
# Note: you do not need to keep a copy of this file, your python script is saved with the station
from robolink import * # API to communicate with RoboDK
from robodk import * # basic matrix operations
RL = Robolink()
RDK = Robolink()
# This script simulates a conveyor belt
CONVEYOR_NAME = 'Conveyor'

# Speed of movement in MM/S with respect to the conveyor coordinates:
MOVE_SPEED_MMS = [0,50,0]
robot = RDK.Item('Conveyor', ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT)

# Use a target from the station as a reference plane:
TARGET_NAME = 'Get Conveyor'
LASER_PLANE =(0,1,0) #正常的飞机

# Activate within this tolerance

# Update status every 1 ms

# Get the target and the detection plane
target = RL.Item(TARGET_NAME)
targetpose = target.PoseAbs()
DETECT_PLANE_POINT = targetpose.Pos()
# Define workspace of the conveyor to pick the objects:
CONV_SZ_Y_MAX = 2000
CONV_SZ_Z_MIN = -200
CONV_SZ_Z_MAX = +500

# Move objects that reached the end of the conveyor and were not picked:
FALLEN_OBJECTS = [0,0,-500]

# Get the conveyor item and reference for work space:
conv_reference = conv.Parent()
poseconv = conv_reference.PoseAbs()

# One second in real life means 1 second of simulation. The simulation speed is taken from the station

def is_inside_conveyor(pose):
"""Checks if a pose is inside the conveyor workspace"""
pos = pose.Pos()
if pos[0] > CONV_SZ_X_MIN and pos[0] < CONV_SZ_X_MAX and pos[1] > CONV_SZ_Y_MIN and pos[1] < CONV_SZ_Y_MAX and pos[2] > CONV_SZ_Z_MIN and pos[2] < CONV_SZ_Z_MAX:
return True
return False

def part_detected(pos):
"""Check if a part is in the detection area (proximity of a point to a plane)"""
pos_proj = proj_pt_2_plane(pos, DETECT_PLANE_POINT, DETECT_PLANE_VECTOR)
distance2plane = norm(subs3(pos,pos_proj))
if distance2plane < TOLERANCE_CHECK_MM:
return True
return False

def conveyor_move_object(pose, delta_time):
"""Moves the object pose through the conveyor depending on the time and speed"""
delta_mm = mult3(MOVE_SPEED_MMS, delta_time)
newpose = transl(delta_mm)*pose
return newpose

# Get all objects (string list)
all_objects = RDK.ItemList(ITEM_TYPE_OBJECT, True)

# Convert object list into item pointers (faster)
# Also filter the list to take into account pickable objects only
objects = []
objects_name = []
objects_active = []
for i in range(len(all_objects)):
if all_objects[i].count(PICKABLE_OBJECTS_KEYWORD) > 0:

# The number of objects that can go in the conveyor
nobjects = len(objects)

# Infinite loop to simulate the conveyor behavior
current_time = 0
time_last = toc()
while True:
# First: Look for objects that are not in the conveyor but are in the conveyor workspace
for i in range(nobjects):
obj_i = objects[i]

# Skip if the object is already in the conveyor
if objects_active[i]:

# Check if the object has already been taken by a tool. If so, do not take it in the conveyor
if obj_i.Parent().Type() == ITEM_TYPE_TOOL:

# Check if the object is within the conveyor work area
posei = obj_i.PoseAbs()
poseirel = invH(poseconv)*posei
if is_inside_conveyor(poseirel):
#德e the object
print('Adding object %s to the conveyor' % objects_name[i])
objects_active[i] = True

# Second step: Update the position of every object in the conveyor
SIMULATION_SPEED = RL.SimulationSpeed()
time_current = toc()
time_delta = time_current - time_last
time_last = time_current
current_time = current_time + time_delta*SIMULATION_SPEED

if part_detected
MOVE_SPEED_MMS = [0,0,0]

# Make a list of objects with their matching positions to update
obj_items = []
obj_poses_abs = []
for i in range(nobjects):
obj_i = objects[i]

# Check if the object has been picked from the conveyor
if objects_active[i] and obj_i.Parent() != conv:
objects_active[i] = False
print('Object %s was picked from the conveyor' % objects_name[i])

# Skip update for objects that are not in the conveyor
if not objects_active[i]:

# Loop forever until a part is detected by the sensor
part_available = False;
while not part_available:
for i in range(nCheck_objects):
if part_detected(objects[i].PoseAbs().Pos()):
print('Part detected: %s' % check_objects_names[i])
part_available = True

# Update the position of the object
posei = invH(poseconv)*obj_i.PoseAbs()
newposei = conveyor_move_object(posei, time_delta*SIMULATION_SPEED)
if not is_inside_conveyor(newposei):
print('Warning!! Object %s fell from the conveyor at %.1f seconds after simulation started' % (objects_name[i], current_time))
#raise Exception('Object %s was not picked from the conveyor!' % objects_name[i])
newposei = transl(FALLEN_OBJECTS)*newposei
objects_active[i] = False

#obj_i.setPose(newposei) # this will provoke a refresh (can be slow)

# Update the object positions
RL.setPosesAbs(obj_items, obj_poses_abs)
You can use the following code to stop moving the conveyor.


More information here:

What issues do you see?
Hi @Albert

I can already stop the conveyor with this code when a piece is reaching a certain target, but now I wanted it to stop when the piece was detected by the 2d camera,
did you understand? can you help me?
RoboDK does not have a toolbox for image processing. You should implement image processing on the image extracted via the API. You can look for commercially available cameras (such as Cognex), image processing libraries (such as Matrox), or OpenCV if you want to implement your custom image processing algorithms.

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