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.JBI Program Explanation

Hello, can someone please explain shortly what each line in this .JBI program does?

///NPOS 5615,0,0,0,0,0
///TOOL 3
C00000 = 56283, 79796, 222419, 0, -105048, 14460
///DATE 2023/10/26 12:03
///COMM Generated using RoboDK
/ / /组1 RB1
'Program generated by RoboDK v
'5.3.2 for Yaskawa HC10 on 26/
'10/2023 12:03:12
'Using nominal kinematics.
'Name: Mill Default MM
'Group: Machine Group-1
MSG "Operation 3"
MSG "Construction plane: Top"
MSG "Starting program 3"
MSG "Sequence 100"
'Using Machining Reference (ta
'rgets wrt base):
'Tool 3 (FLAT END MILL - 6 D6.
'0 L60.000 Id 3) should be clo
'se to:
'Hide cutters
'Show FLAT END MILL - 6 D6.0 L
'60.000 Id 3
MOVJ C00000 VJ=50.00 PL=1
When you generate a program from RoboDK you'll see the instructions translated into commands that the controller understands. JBI program files are programs for the Yaskawa/Motoman robot controller. This programming language is called INFORM. This programming language requires a header which can include robot targets (in pulses and/or Cartesian values). The instructions start from the NOP section until the END command.

In your example you only have a joint move command. The single quotes character indicates a comment and the MOVJ is a joint move command.

When you use a Yaskawa/Motoman controller it is also important to properly enter the pulses/degree ratio in RoboDK. You can find more information here:

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