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Force disconnect from the real robot through API


We are using our robot on a mixed way :
- robodk can control the robot directly in "run on robot" mode ( RUNMODE_RUN_ROBOT)
- and some call are made on internal UR program through the dashboard server.
Sometimes we have some reconnection problem when we want to come back in "run on robot" mode.

Is there a way to make this GUI double click trough the api : force the driver to stop and recreate the connection from scratch?

有“断开”卫理公会教徒d, but it seem it's only the GUI simple click :item.disconnect()

Thanks for you help.

Hi Florent,

Yes, you can get the same behavior as a double click to disconnect by calling Disconnect twice in a row. The threshold is 600 ms, so if you call Disconnect twice faster than 600 ms it will force to stop the driver process.

Hi Albert,

Perfect, it works !


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