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Fanuc R-2000iA robot with an R-J3iB controller from year 2003

Hi guy's,
I have an old R-J3iB controller with a monochrome Teach Pendant. No USB but there is a CD38 connection (RJ45) and a PCMCIA-port.
Does anyone want to share his (or her) experience in running a program (made with RoboDK) on this type of controller. E.g.:
1. What is best: Using PCMCIA or the CD38 port for transferring the files?
2. If using CD38, how make connection (IP, Filezilla)?
3. Must User Frames etc. that where defined in RoboDK be created manually on the controller?
4. The same for Register, Digital IO,
5. ... hints and recommendations

All information (and links to information) is more than welcome!

Best regards,
Connecting via FileZilla results in the following:

Status: Verbinden met
Status: Verbinding gemaakt, welkomstbericht afwachten...
Status: Onveilige server, die geen FTP over TLS ondersteunt.
Status: Server ondersteunt geen niet-ASCII tekens.
Status: Ingelogd
Status: Mappenlijst ophalen...
Opdracht: PWD
Antwoord: 257 md:\ is current directory.
Fout: Kan het teruggestuurde pad niet analyseren.
Fout: Ontvangen van mappenlijst is mislukt

So connection is made but the last two lines are:
Error: Cannot analyze the received path.
Error: Receiving the folder list failed.

Any suggestions how to solve this problem?
I wish I could help you there... but I never played with an old R-J3 controller...
Many of our customers are using RDK with these older robots, but I never had to get involved in the "upload of the program" per see.
Did you read this?//
希望有人能够帮助你,如果哟u find anything, please let us know.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 and by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your reply. When I find out usefull info I will post it!
I did read the link you sent. Two options that are mentioned there are:
User Socket Messaging (R636) and
PC Interface (R641)
On my robot these options do show up but the code is different. Maybe someone knows if the following options are the same as those mentioned above?
PC Interface (PCIF)
Socket Messaging (SKMG)
Thanks in advance,
These options should not be necessary for FTP transfer.
PC Interface and User Socket are necessary for the Driver.

You might need to ASCII upload to read the ls file though, otherwise, you need to compile it to TP before loading it on the controller.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting our2022世界杯32强赛程表时间 and by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

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