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Continuous Part Generator

I was wondering if anyone has created a conveyor simulation that simply generates continuous parts on the infeed
and then picked up by a robot at the outfeed. Any examples would be greatly appreciated.
I attached a sample projects that automatically creates parts on a conveyor and a UR robot picks them up and stacks them on a pallet.

Attached Files
.rdk Continuous-Parts-Conveyor-Infeed.rdk(Size: 1.23 MB / Downloads: 772)
(01-11-2020, 01:23 PM)Albert Wrote:I attached a sample projects that automatically creates parts on a conveyor and a UR robot picks them up and stacks them on a pallet.


Thanks for the sample project, it was exactly what I needed. It is becoming obvious that I need a better understanding of Python programming to get the most out of RoboDK simulations.


Hi Albert,

The project is nice. Can you help me understanding its cycle time? It seems off that the robot took 15s to go back and forth....Can we simulate real environment? when i change simulation speed to 100, parts just flew off the conveyor because the robot even sees it.

Thank you,


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