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Cannot use a Nc using a sync robot

I have a simple Nc design and i am using Grasshopper to upload it to RoboDK.
If i Use simply the robot it work just fine but if i sync the robot to the external axis it fail.
a simple Nc using xyz and vector

GOTO / -240.892373810858,53.5971187267744,435.904091724678,-0.454824812144435,0,0.552512216985795
GOTO / -254.469947613957,53.9202329055425,424.85431552951,-0.659172048514811,0,0.751623215332014
GOTO / -254.239768778921,62.2123427114855,425.025576058269,-0.659177516170574,0,0.751629621066886
GOTO / -240.678093695693,61.8797622432964,436.08389743428,-0.437568714142892,0,0.530712777915291
GOTO / 254.470425880761,53.9221689686718,424.85192456964,0.659172048514811,0,0.751623215332014
GOTO / 240.898753561599,53.5885579932291,435.901758137997,0.454824812144441,0,0.552512216985802
GOTO / 240.674863818258,61.8778247968112,436.083030445217,0.437568714142884,0,0.530712777915281
GOTO / 254.246979743714,62.201628778039,425.021706811384,0.659177516170574,0,0.751629621066886
GOTO / 254.470425880761,53.9221689686718,424.85192456964,0.659172048514811,0,0.751623215332014
GOTO / -460.067919368137,-115.099714340772,1.15139723458784,-0.99843307503847,0,0.0491452068572792
GOTO / -451.870727967242,-115.102495576986,74.8024061154786,-0.984740115975886,0,0.171640655434165
GOTO / -434.66098244585,-115.015400276177,146.201522259392,-0.956090424560504,0,0.291517805757151
GOTO / -430.015239303932,-121.455629522577,162.010399147252,-0.947373755425312,0,0.320125245399823
GOTO / -427.207210130785,-137.853942623429,168.558626068174,-0.941321555756171,0.0601295656560699,0.331780355521235
GOTO / -421.918113291702,-154.214812065684,168.416205489743,-0.762995026145001,-0.580133496157214,0.27061703836303
GOTO / -407.046156660205,-163.897257624651,168.169429386057,-0.268528231524889,-0.952919080802219,0.0995663687135674
GOTO / -371.185332170513,-164.598451182271,168.055240633356,9.32279893955007E-17,-1,-1.61533839439423E-16
GOTO / 371.185332170084,-164.598451166106,168.055240633356,-9.32279893955007E-17,-1,-1.61533839439423E-16
GOTO / 407.046289974702,-163.897602311329,168.169467493686,0.268528231524889,-0.952919080802219,0.0995663687135673
转到/ 421.917021886737,-154.213958307601,168.415854216329,0.762995026145001,-0.580133496157214,0.27061703836303
GOTO / 427.222624498465,-137.855697065036,168.562401204323,0.941321555756171,0.0601295656560711,0.331780355521235
GOTO / 430.052782452082,-121.452683521667,162.02369498626,0.94737375542531,0,0.320125245399828
GOTO / 434.671556963298,-115.015989870266,146.204139091802,0.956090424560503,0,0.291517805757151
GOTO / 451.870725069091,-115.10249557703,74.8024054709873,0.984740115975886,0,0.171640655434166
GOTO / 460.067919356484,-115.099714340772,1.15139723670091,0.99843307503847,0,0.0491452068572796
Do i have to specify something into the gcode?
Is there any attention that i have to take care using robot and external axis?
You don't need to specify anything in the APT code. Can you share your RDK file?

If you have a turntable, you may need to attach your coordinate system to the turntable mechanism and select it as the reference for your toolpath.
(10-09-2019, 03:53 PM)Albert Wrote:You don't need to specify anything in the APT code. Can you share your RDK file?

If you have a turntable, you may need to attach your coordinate system to the turntable mechanism and select it as the reference for your toolpath.

As you can see i create a NC ( i try bot Apt and NC ) Using Rhinoceros (Link :https://we.tl/t-fZ88MPcOE9) i create a GH Code that write a Costum Code.
If i Use a simple cell it work. using sync axis it don't.
i use a Python Script to convert my Costum NC code into different path but it seems that do not retrive all the information of the pose.

Attached Files
.nc Name3.nc(Size: 2.85 KB / Downloads: 321)
.nc Name2.nc(Size: 2.85 KB / Downloads: 333)
.nc Name0.nc(Size: 2.85 KB / Downloads: 345)
.nc Name1.nc(Size: 2.85 KB / Downloads: 358)
.rdk DOMAR7.rdk(Size: 2.23 MB / Downloads: 350)
You should make sure you specify how you want the external axes to behave:
  • Fixed external axes: the turntable or the linear rail will not move and will remain static in the "preferred joints for the start point". You have to enter these values so that the robot can reach your path. See the 2 blue boxes in the attached image. If you load the Name1.nc toolpath, it is feasible with the rail set at 1800 mm and the turntable set to 45 deg.
  • Optimized external axes: you can activate the Optimization options to move the rail or the turntable according to certain criteria (for example, if you activate it for the rail it will keep robot axis 1 constant and move the rail instead).
  • Smart optimization: this option has been added recently and allows you to define priority "weights" on each axis. This will alter the default optimization.


Attached Files
.rdk DOMAR7 v2.rdk(Size: 2.21 MB / Downloads: 353)

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