
A RoboDK Add-in is a custom extension that provides specific features to a certain application. Add-ins can be easily created by third-party developers to add new functionality to the RoboDK software.

RoboDK Add-ins allow customizing RoboDK software to automate certain tasks for specific purposes and facilitate generating programs.

Add-ins are essentially software plugins that can extend the functionality of RoboDK by providing additional tools, features, or capabilities. Some examples of RoboDK add-ins include:

1.User-defined scripts to automate repetitive tasks.

2.Additional simulation features or libraries (Plugins as libraries).

3.Apps that integrate with other software tools or hardware devices.

Add-ins are developed using the RoboDK API, which provides a set of functions and classes that can be used to interact with the RoboDK software. The API is available in several programming languages, including Python, C++, C#, and MATLAB.

Once an add-in is created, it can be installed in RoboDK and accessed from the main user interface or through custom menus or buttons. This allows users to customize RoboDK to their specific needs and workflows, and to automate complex tasks or processes.

Add-in Manager

The Add-in Manager is a tool within RoboDK that allows users to install, manage, and configure RoboDK add-ins. In fact, the Add-in Manager is a RoboDK add-in itself!

Add ins - Image 1

The Add-in Manager simplifies the process of installing, updating and exporting add-ins by providing a complete user interface where users can browse available add-ins, enable or disable them, manage dependencies, view detailed information about each add-in, and package them for deployment.

To use the Add-in Manager you must first enable theAdd-in ManagerRoboDK插件的设置:

1.Select ToolsAdd-ins (Shift+I)

2.Enable the Add-in manager plugin if it is not enabled.

3.Select ToolsAdd-in Manager (Shift+A)

Plug-in Interface

The RoboDK Plug-In Interface is an API that allows users to create custom plug-ins for RoboDK using the C++ programming language and Qt libraries.

The Plug-In Interface provides a set of C++ classes and functions that can be used to interact with RoboDK, including the ability to create custom menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes, and to extend the functionality of RoboDK by adding new tools, features, or capabilities.

Developers can use the Plug-In Interface to create plugins that integrate with other software tools or hardware devices, or to automate complex tasks or processes within RoboDK. Plugins can be compiled as dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that can be loaded into RoboDK at runtime, allowing for easy installation and distribution.

Overall, the RoboDK Plug-In Interface in C++ provides a powerful and flexible way for developers to extend and customize the functionality of RoboDK to their specific needs and workflows.


RoboDK Apps are designed to provide a specific set of functionality or workflow that can be easily accessed from within the RoboDK user interface. For example, a RoboDK App might be designed to generate a specific type of robot program, or to interface with a particular piece of hardware or software.

RoboDK Apps are typically developed using the Python API and are distributed as standalone files that can be installed using the Add-in Manager. Once installed, RoboDK Apps can be accessed from the main toolbar or from custom menus or buttons within the RoboDK user interface.

RoboDK Apps can be developed by anyone using the RoboDK API and can be distributed or shared to other RoboDK users. This makes it easy for users to discover and install new Apps, and for developers to reach a wider audience with their custom tools and workflows.